0172 - 42 34 56
Dezelfde praktische aanpak, meer mogelijkheden, één aanspreekpunt.

Per 1 januari is IPV Training & Advies samengegaan met IMK Opleidingen. Daarom word je nu doorgestuurd naar de website van IMK Opleidingen. Hier vind je hetzelfde aanbod als je gewend bent van IPV Training & Advies. Hier lees je meer informatie

Dezelfde expertise, breder aanbod, één vertrouwd aanspreekpunt.

Per 1 april is Nederlandse Sales Academie samengegaan met IMK Opleidingen. Door deze samenwerking kunnen we jou en je organisatie nog beter ondersteunen in commerciële groei en talentontwikkeling. Je vindt alle informatie en opleidingen nu op de website van IMK Opleidingen. Lees hier meer


Practical Management on the workfloor

For experienced professionals who want to develop into an even better manager

Icoon trainingsduur 2 dagen
Icoon agenda Wo 28 mei 2025
Icoon prijs € 1.365,-
Icoon doorsturen Stuur door per e-mail
Icoon certificaat Met certificaat
Practical Management on the workfloor - IMK Opleidingen
Data & Locaties
Veelgestelde vragen


  • Understanding the role and position of the leader
  • Making choices and decisions
  • Developing leadership skills
  • Communicating clearly and purposefully
  • Making agreements that lead to concrete results
  • Understanding behaviour with the help of the Q4 DISC behavioural analysis
  • Giving feedback on results and behaviour
  • Addressing and correcting employees on their behaviour
  • Motivating your team
  • Styles of leadership and their flexible application
  • Recognizing one’s own behaviour and that of employees
  • Handling emotions and conflicts
  • Exercises and role-plays based on practical situations

Does this meet the learning wishes of you or your employee? Then register now.

Understanding Behaviour

To gain insight into their own behaviour and the behaviour of others, the (digital) Q4 DISC behavioural analysis is an important part of the training.

Data & locaties
Startdatum: Wo 28 mei 2025 Locatie: Amsterdam Verberg Bekijk planning Offerte aanvragen of optie nemen Inschrijven
Planning: Practical Management on the workfloor
Wo 28 mei09:3016:30
Wo 11 juni09:3016:30
Startdatum: Vr 30 mei 2025 Locatie: Utrecht Verberg Bekijk planning Offerte aanvragen of optie nemen Inschrijven
Planning: Practical Management on the workfloor
Vr 30 mei09:3016:30
Vr 13 juni09:3016:30
Startdatum: Di 17 juni 2025 Locatie: Eindhoven Verberg Bekijk planning Offerte aanvragen of optie nemen Inschrijven
Planning: Practical Management on the workfloor
Di 17 juni09:3016:30
Di 01 juli09:3016:30
Startdatum: Di 02 september 2025 Locatie: Zwolle Verberg Bekijk planning Offerte aanvragen of optie nemen Inschrijven
Planning: Practical Management on the workfloor
Di 02 september09:3016:30
Di 16 september09:3016:30
Startdatum: Wo 01 oktober 2025 Locatie: Alkmaar Verberg Bekijk planning Offerte aanvragen of optie nemen Inschrijven
Planning: Practical Management on the workfloor
Wo 01 oktober09:3016:30
Wo 15 oktober09:3016:30
Startdatum: Ma 01 december 2025 Locatie: Zwolle Verberg Bekijk planning Offerte aanvragen of optie nemen Inschrijven
Planning: Practical Management on the workfloor
Ma 01 december09:3016:30
Ma 15 december09:3016:30
Toon prijzen incl. praktijkcoaching
Toon prijzen incl. btw
  • Cursusprijs - training € 1145.00 € 1385.45
  • Digitaal lesmateriaal - Open programma € 90.00 € 108.90
  • Locatiekosten Open programma € 130.00 € 157.30
Totaal (excl. btw) (incl. btw) € 1365.00 € 1651.65 € 1860.00 € 2250.60
  • STAP-budget - €1000.00
Te betalen €365.00

Additional Information

Incompany training op maat

Wens je een persoonlijk studieadvies of heb je vragen over de mogelijkheden van maatwerk? Onze studie- en maatwerkadviseurs staan graag voor je klaar om jouw vragen te beantwoorden.

IMK Studie adviseur
Neem contact op met Boukje advies@imkopleidingen.nl 0172 – 42 34 56
Informatie aanvragen

Introduction: Practical management on the work floor

The two-day training course Practical Management on the Work Floor has been the best-selling training of IMK Opleidingen for years. Skilled professionals who have moved up the ranks quickly realize that managing employees is a separate skill, involving various leadership abilities. During the Practical Management on the Work Floor training, different leadership styles are discussed, and participants learn to motivate, stimulate, delegate, and communicate; skills that are indispensable in a leadership role. We also offer this training in English. This makes the training available for leaders within internationally oriented organizations or professionals who do not (fully) understand Dutch.

Who is this training for?

The English-language Practical Management on the Work Floor training is suitable for anyone who leads people from the practical field. For example a team leader, production manager, working foreman, site manager, team leader, or supervisor. These people are responsible for daily supervision on the work floor, work planning, and the results of the team. For leaders in an office environment, we recommend the training The effective team leader (only available in Dutch).

Incompany training op maat

Wens je een persoonlijk studieadvies of heb je vragen over de mogelijkheden van maatwerk? Onze studie- en maatwerkadviseurs staan graag voor je klaar om jouw vragen te beantwoorden.

IMK Studie adviseur
Neem contact op met Sylvia advies@imkopleidingen.nl 0172 – 42 34 56
Informatie aanvragen


Are you looking to train multiple employees simultaneously? Our in-company training is the perfect solution. Our trainer will come to your company location, or another location of your choice, to deliver the training exclusively to your employees.

In an in-company training, we tailor the content and examples entirely to your organization, learning needs, and ambitions. This is discussed beforehand during an orientation meeting. Additionally, we can enhance the training with a guest actor or guest lecturer.

Does this sound interesting for your organization? Find more information on our in-company page or contact us directly.

Practical Management on the workfloor - English - IMK Opleidingen

What do we develop?

After completing the training:

  • You will be able to manage employees both task-oriented and people-oriented.
  • You will know how to motivate and encourage your employees.
  • You will improve your ability to handle conflicts and emotions.
  • You will stimulate your employees’ sense of responsibility.
  • You will enhance your team’s self-thinking and problem-solving abilities.
People-oriented leadership
People-oriented leadership means that you give direction and guidance to employees in an inspiring way, taking into account their feelings and what they need.
Conversation skills
Conversational skill means that you can start and steer conversations well, so that you achieve your goal.
Confronting/ feedback
Confronting or giving feedback means that you are able to talk directly to someone about his or her behavior. In this way, you help that person become aware of how his or her behavior affects others.
Self-direction (self-management)
Self-direction or self-management means that you determine and realize your own direction, both within and outside the organization. You consider your strengths and weaknesses, interests, values, and ambitions. You take responsibility for your own growth and development and take active steps to achieve your goals.
Management identification
Management identification means that you understand what your tasks and responsibilities are as a leader, and that you internalize them.
Video thumbnail for youtube video h2b_onlo3jy

Our Approach

The English-language training Practical Management on the Work Floor doesn’t start in the classroom, but much earlier! Right after registration, participants can start working with teaching materials and various assignments on our online learning platform to prepare for the training. Based on self-analyses, exercises, discussions, and experiences, we shape the training in a very personal and practical manner. And the learning continues even after the training. Up to twelve months after the training, participants have the opportunity to contact the trainer and the rest of the group.

Who is My Trainer?

Our trainings are always focused on the specific practical situations of the participants. Therefore, the Practical Management on the Work Floor training is given by a trainer who has experience in the business world. Naturally, he or she speaks fluent English.

Praktijkcoaching | IMK Opleidingen


Wij bieden praktijkcoaching aan, om na een training of opleiding de kennis en vaardigheden nog beter toe te passen in je werk. Terug in het werkveld gaan dingen soms toch anders dan verwacht. Met een coach breng je samen de geleerde lessen in de praktijk. Lees hier meer over praktijkcoaching.

Ontdek Praktijkcoaching
Reviews van deelnemers
9.8 / 10

Gemiddelde van 12 beoordelingen

10 / 10
13 december 2024
Anca Brinza
Practical Management on the workfloor
Very helpful. A lot of tools that help to develop yourself.
10 / 10
25 september 2024
Anastasia Temiridou
Practical Management on the workfloor
It was awesome! Eric was amazing! He is very knowledgeable and skillfull. He is very good in delivering training and he made these 2 days...
10 / 10
25 september 2024
Aleksandrs Volkovs
Practical Management on the workfloor
If you would like to develop yourself as a leader or as a manager, then this course is definitely the one to choose! It was...
10 / 10
17 april 2024
Indira Santos
Practical Management on the workfloor
The trainer had very good contact with us, everyone was different and she managed all diferent situations. Was very fullfiling and I could learn a...
10 / 10
17 april 2024
Rui Esteves
Practical Management on the workfloor
This training is really helpful for leaders that just start the function, essential actually.
10 / 10
29 november 2022
Sylwia Szacha-Gluchowicz
Practical Management on the workfloor
I highly recommend! very friendly atmosphere, teacher full of vigor. no one was bored, and what's more, we all worked with enthusiasm. He passed on...
9 / 10
29 november 2022
Alexander Kelly
Practical Management on the workfloor
Informative for new managers.
10 / 10
23 november 2022
George Spyrou
Practical Management on the workfloor
It was a very interesting training that made me feel more comfortable & secure using management skills to my employees and to my colleagues. Unlock...
Andere training – IMK Opleidingen
  • Other trainings and courses

    The English-language Practical Management on the Work Floor training is a good start for the English-language management course Middle Management A. Do you prefer a personal training plan? Our study advisors are happy to help you (where necessary in English). Feel free to contact them at +310172 – 42 34 56.

Verbeter je team en ontwikkel jezelf!

Wens je een persoonlijk studieadvies of heb je vragen over de mogelijkheden van maatwerk? Onze studie- en maatwerkadviseurs staan graag voor je klaar om jouw vragen te beantwoorden.

IMK Studie adviseur
Neem contact op met Sascha advies@imkopleidingen.nl 0172 – 42 34 56
Organisatie versterken - IMK Opleidingen
Maatwerk trainingen Ontdek de kracht van op maat gemaakte incompany trainingen
Formulier - Checklist - Grijs - IMK Opleidingen
Download flyer Download hier gratis de flyer van de practical Management on the workfloor
DISC geel - IMK Opleidingen
Studieadvies op maat Vraag een gratis adviesgesprek aan

Veelgestelde vragen over de training Practical Management on the workfloor

Ask your additional questions to our studyadvisors. Call them on +310172 – 42 34 56.

Is leidinggeven iets voor mij?

Dat is iets wat je alleen zelf kunt beantwoorden. Je kunt het in elk geval wel leren! Starten met leidinggeven is de ideale training om dat te ontdekken. In twee dagen krijg je nieuwe inzichten en oefen je met vaardigheden die jou laten groeien van medewerker naar leidinggevende.

Wat is praktisch leidinggeven?

Dat is leidinggeven aan teams die vooral in de uitvoering bezig zijn en waarbij de leidinggevende zelf vaak ook mee werkt in het team. Denk aan meewerkende voormannen, teamchefs, ploegleiders etc.

Ik geef al 20 jaar leiding, maar heb nog nooit een training gevolgd. Is deze training dan geschikt voor mij?

Dat zou zeker kunnen. Dit is afhankelijk van meerdere factoren. We raden daarom aan dit telefonisch te bespreken met onze studieadviseur. Zij geeft advies op maat en zo weet je zeker dat je de best passende training kiest.

trainingen en opleidingen
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